Who We Are
The Sports Association of Catholic Co-educational Secondary Schools (SACCSS) was founded in 1983.
Over the past 30 years the association has grown from just 7 Catholic Colleges to 15 schools in 2020.
SACCSS prides itself on providing quality sporting experiences for the students of its member schools, focusing on sportsmanship and camaraderie amongst the community.
SACCSS is fully committed to upholding the Catholic Ethos and is conducted in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church as interpreted by the Bishop of the Diocese.
Our Vision
To be a leading provider of school sport in Victoria, catering for students from Catholic Co-educational Secondary Colleges in the North Western Suburbs of Melbourne.
Our Mission
As an association of Catholic Schools, we strive to provide competitive and quality sporting competitions for our members in a safe and inclusive environment.
Our Values
To promote tolerance, inclusion and acceptance for all within our Catholic community; regardless of gender, sexuality, cultural background, ability level or socio-economic status.
To encourage and celebrate the achievements of all students.
To be present and engaged in the sporting experience that is provided.
To provide sporting environments that uphold honesty and fair play.
To deliver sporting competitions that are of a high standard. A continual commitment to enhancing the program and best practice

“It means that the life of faith needs to be the driving force behind every activity in the school, so that the Church’s mission may be served effectively, and the young people may discover the joy of entering into Christ’s ‘being for others”.
Pope Benedict XVI
Address to Catholic Teachers
September 17, 2008
The Association aims to:
- Encourage an interest in sport amongst the competing schools.
- Foster school spirit through co-operative endeavour in the sporting fields.
- Encourage participation of all students in sport.
- Encourage positive interaction between staff and students of member schools.
- Develop qualities of good sportsmanship amongst students.
- Allow for recognition of those students with special talent(s) in sport.
- Encourage students to strive towards excellence in sport and sports organization.
SACCSS offers a range of sporting events over the school year, including Premier League (weekly year level Australian Rules Football, Netball, Football, Volleyball, Basketball), Senior Sport (Year 11/12) Cricket, Australian Rules Football, Netball, Football, Basketball. Tournament Days for Girls Australian Rules Football, Futsal, Hockey, Chess, Senior Mixed Netball, Tennis and Badminton.
The Association also hold 5 major Carnivals during the year, Golf, Swimming, Cross Country, Athletics and Tennis.
Presidency Roster / History

Ms Marlene Jorgensen
President 2025
St Francis College

Mr Jamie Madigan
President 2024
CRC Caroline Springs

Ms Joanne Bacash
President 2023
Antonine College, Pascoe Vale

Mr. Craig Holmes
President 2022
Thomas Carr College, Tarneit

Mr. Brian Hanley OAM
President 2021
St. Monica’s College, Epping

Mr. Chris Caldow
President 2020
Penola Catholic College, Broadmeadows

Mr. Marco DiCesare
President 2019
Caroline Chisholm Catholic College, Braybrook

Mr. Rory Kennedy
President 2018
MacKillop College, Werribee

Mr. Michael Kenny
President 2017
Marymede Catholic College, South Morang

Mr. Brendan Watson OAM
President 2016
Catholic Regional College, Sydenham

Mr. Mark Brockhus
President 2015
Salesian College, Sunbury

Mr. Chris Stock
President 2014
Emmanuel College- Notre Dame Campus, Point Cook

Ms Christina Utri
President 2013
Catholic Regional College, St Albans

Mr. Greg Wade
President 2012
Catholic Regional College, North Keilor

Mr. Anthony Kirley
President 2011
Kolbe Catholic College, Greenvale Lakes

Mr. Mark Sheehan
President 2010
Catholic Regional College, Melton

Ms Kate Dishon
President 2009
Catholic Regional College, Caroline Springs

Mr. Brian Hanley
President 2008
St. Monica’s College, Epping

Mr. Joseph Favrin
President 2007
Penola Catholic College, Broadmeadows

Mr. Michael Quin
President 2006
Caroline Chisholm College, Braybrook

Mr. Rory Kennedy
Executive Member 2005
MacKillop College, Werribee
The History of SACCSS
The Sports Association of Catholic Coeducational Secondary Schools (SACCSS) was founded in 1983. Preliminary meetings were held in 1982, beginning with interested Principals, including Sr. Sylvia (CRC St Albans), Mr Bernie Dobson, Mr John Kennedy (Loyola) and Mr Frank Fitzgerald (CRC Melton). Further meetings were held with Sports Coordinators to organise the structure of the competition and in 1983 the first SACCSS event was held, the Swimming Carnival at Richmond Swimming Pool. The founding member schools represented at this event were Loyola College, MacKillop Catholic Regional College, St. Monica’s College, CRC St Albans, CRC Melton and CRC Nth Keilor. Other events to be conducted by SACCSS in its founding year were Cross Country in term 3 and Athletics in Term 4.
CRC Sydenham joined the association soon after its establishment. Sydenham is a Senior campus who receives most of its students from the Year 7-10 CRC campuses. Rally Days and Senior Sports Days were introduced into the competition in 1986. The original sports offered for the students were Basketball, Austrailian Rules Football, Soccer, Tennis and Volleyball. These were one-day round robin events for interested Colleges. In future years Tennis became a standalone one-day tournament and Netball and Softball were included into the Rally Day/ Senior Sports Day competition.
In 1994 St John’s College, Christ the King, Salesian College- Rupertswood and Geoghegan College joined SACCSS. Geoghegan College amalgamated with Therry College and Sancta Sophia to form Penola Catholic College, they entered SACCSS in 1995. St John’s College and Christ the King also amalgamated and became known as Caroline Chisholm Catholic College, they entered SACCSS in 1997. Thomas Carr joined SACCSS in 2001 but left the association in 2003. Thomas Carr Catholic College re-entered SACCSS in 2020. Marymede Catholic College entered in 2006, CRC Caroline Springs in 2007, Emmanuel College and Kolbe Catholic College in 2008 and Antonine College in 2011 have been the most recent additions to the SACCSS membership.

Year Level Rally Days concluded in 2002 and the Premier League Competition was developed in its place. In 2003 four College; Caroline Chisholm Catholic College, Penola Catholic College, St Monica’s and CRC Nth Keilor began competing in the Premier League competition. The sports offered were AFL, Netball, Basketball, Volleyball and Soccer. The competition was held every second afternoon of a predetermined day with each year level participating in a specified term, i.e. term 1 Year 10, term 2 Year 9 etc. In 2010 Cricket was introduced to competition that occurred term 1 or 4 in the place of Australian Rules Football.
Senior Sports Days have continued but have been restructured over time. Currently there is a Senior Sports Day conducted in term 1 for Tennis, Mixed Netball and Volleyball. The Cricket, Australian Rules Football, Netball and Soccer are played in as Home and Away rounds during the afternoons in Terms 1, 2 and 3. The Australian Rules Football began in 2004, with Netball beginning in its current format in 2010 and Soccer in 2011. In 2018, Netball was moved into Term 1 alongside Cricket and SACCSS had its inaugural season of Senior Girls Australian Rules Football running alongside the Senior Boys Home and Away season. Boys and Girls Senior Football (Soccer) continued to run throughout Term 3. From 2020 Senior Basketball will also be played as a Home and Away season rather than a One Day Tournament.
Chess and Futsal were included into the SACCSS Competition in 2011. Girls Australian Rules Football and Hockey were trialed in 2012 and added as permanent competitions for the association in 2013. In 2018- 2019, Rugby and Flag Football were trialed as a One-Day Gala Tournament – Badminton will replace this event in 2020.
The Sports Association of Catholic Coeducational Secondary Schools became an Incorporated Association in 2017. A new Constitution was developed and approved by the Principals. Our Constitution is now known as the “Rules of the Sports Association of Catholic Co-education Secondary Schools (SACCSS) – An Incorporated Association.”
Athletes Oath
“I promise that we shall take part in the {enter sport event}, Respecting and following the rules of the event. In true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of our schools.”.
Officials Oath
“In the name of all judges, I promise that we shall officiate in these {enter sport event} with complete impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, in true spirit of sportsmanship.”.