
One Day Tournament



Competition Format:
1. The SACCSS Chess Tournament will be a one-day tournament and will take place at the Host College for that
year. Arrival from 9.00am for a 9.30am start.
2. The competition will offer a Junior (Yr. 7 and 8), Intermediate (Yr. 9 and 10) and a Senior tournament, with all
competitors to be in FULL FORMAL SCHOOL UNIFORM.
3. It is a team’s event. A team consists of eight students per team.
4. There will be seven rounds of matches with all teams playing each other once;
NOTE: # of rounds played is dependent on # of competing teams and may be altered accordingly on the day
of the tournament.
Rules of Play:
5. Games are played fifteen minutes per play.
5.1 A result can be achieved before the expiry period.
5.2 The players are asked to seek mutual agreement as to a winner.
5.3 If no winner can be agreed upon then the match will be declared by the Arbiter.
5.4 Any illegal move results in a loss. The decision to declare a loss for a breach of this rule must be made by
the Arbiter only.
6. Any piece touched must be moved, provided it could be legally moved. Players must use the same hand to
move their chess piece and then stop the clock.
7. A player may resign, or both players may agree to a draw at any time.
8. No player may offer a draw in his opponent’s thinking time.
9. The first named team will play white on odd-numbered boards and black on even numbered boards.
10. It is expected that all non-participating students and teachers will refrain from comments until all games are
completed. Teachers and recorders only are permitted in the vicinity of the games.
11. Players score one point for a win, half a point for a draw and zero for a loss.
12. You must inform your opponent that he is in check – you cannot take his king outright.
13. Students are not to move from their seats without permission. Other (non-tournament) games may be
played after the result has been recorded.
14. Schools will submit their Team to the Executive Officer with Player Names ranked in ability from board one
(highest) to board eight (lowest), plus the names of their reserves ONE WEEK PRIOR TO COMPETITION.
15. Teams must maintain the same ranking of players throughout the tournament. Players 1-4 must play all their
games in the same ranking. Teams may choose to play up to two reserves.
16. Teams making such a change must advise the tournament organiser before the next round.
17. If it is found by the tournament organiser that a team has played a player out of his rank order, the team will
forfeit the match.
18. Students are not to disturb the pieces on the board until the game has been officially recorded by a recorder
or until a disputed game has been adjudicated by the Arbiter.
19. Spectators, other than teachers and recorders, are not permitted in the vicinity of the games.
20. Once each game has been finished and processed students should place a red card alongside their table to
indicate to the Arbiter that the game is complete. Students may then participate in a practice game.
21. Before the next official round, students must prepare the board for the following game.
22. No student during an official game may talk, make comments or suggestions to his opponent whilst
competing (refer to rule 7). If such behaviour occurs the student should seek assistance from the Arbiter.
23. It is expected that players from both competing teams introduce themselves by shaking hands before and
after the game.